About Us


Seattle Benefits Consulting (SBC)

is a holistic life and health insurance broker specializing in cutting edge employee benefit solutions and employee benefits education. We believe that every business, no matter their size or budget, can implement a successful benefits strategy. Why settle for the status quo of insurance? Why not partner with an agency whose sole focus is employee benefits? SBC's corporate headquarters is located just outside of Seattle but we partner with employers and brokers all over Washington state, including Seattle, Auburn, Kent, Tacoma, Puyallup, Olympia, Renton, Sumner, and many more. Our team is comprised of industry leaders in employee benefits who specialize in voluntary benefit plan design and implementation. Let us show you how the right plan designs, carrier partners, enrollment technologies combine to create not only a paperless enrollment environment for companies, but also work to improve overall employee satisfaction in their benefits.

Our Why:

Employees are a vital part of business. Employers trust crucial components of the business to their employees. Employees have entrusted you and your company as a vital resource to provide for their financial well being. Like all partnerships, it is critical that both parties feel like they are getting the most value out of the relationship. We partner with you to make sure those important employee/employer/broker relationships are optimized. At SBC, we make benefits...better!


Core Benefits

We can help de-mystify the hows and whys of Major Medical insurance and other core benefits. Our experience can help you avoid common pitfalls!

Healthcare Reform Consulting

Don't be caught unprepared by ACA reporting requirements. Even if you have fewer than 50 employees, there may be compliance requirements that affect your company.

Voluntary Benefits

Stay on top of the latest trends in the market and make sure you aren't missing out on top-tier talent by offering the benefits employees want!